[Loyola University Chicago]
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In thinking about the take home final, I have started to feel a bit claustophobic about writing up an exam this week to be turned in next week, meaning that I could not put on the exam any information from the last week of class. In reviewing this, I have come to the sense that I am much more concerned in our covering as much useful physics as we can, and do not want the necessity for testing to get in the way of our work.

As such, I would like to change the testing schedule a bit, handing out the final exam on the last day of class, and having it due back to me, either by hard or electronic copy, by Friday 29 April. I will also set that day as the deadline for submitting lesson plans to me, so we can talk a bit more in class about them.

Loyola University Chica
go David B. Slavsky
Loyola University Chicago
Cudahy Science Hall, Rm. 404
1032 W. Sheridan Rd.,
Chicago, IL 60660
Phone: 773-508-8352
E-mail: dslavsk@luc.edu

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