[Loyola University Chicago]
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GOALS: See additional examples attached

List overall goals. What do YOU, as the teacher, set up for students to learn?
Example: A scale model will be created and analyzed to give children the scope, sizes and distances of planets in the solar system.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: See examples of learning objectives and definitions of process skills attached

Include process skills but be specific. What will the STUDENTS be able to do/demonstrate as a result of this lesson? Ex. Students will be able to:
measure the scale distance of the planets in inches. " contrast the sizes of the nine planets and make generalizations.
Do not use the terms "learn" and "understand" when writing objectives - too general.
" Include which standards are being addressed in this lesson. You must include BOTH Illinois Learning Standards and National Science Education Standards


" Prior teacher preparation
What did you have to do to get ready for this lesson? (research, purchases, organization) Make a vertical list of materials and resources, include quantities, websites.
" Introduction
" Make connections between prior knowledge and experiences with what is presented.
" Find out what students' ideas are on this topic - uncover misconceptions!
" Use teaching charts, video clips, books, presentation software, instructional software, articles, tapes, overhead projector, handouts, models, etc. to accent instruction.
" Create and describe the structure for group learning (if applicable), whole class discussion, and individual work (journal, worksheet).

" Exploration
" Describe in detail the activity or investigation students will pursue with clear directions.
" Describe the path of inquiry or process of discovery to be followed - What questions will you ask? - LIST THEM!
" Prepare a lab sheet for students to record data, answer questions. You may either use the one provided or modify it as appropriate for your students.
" Students Predict / Explain. Then Explore and Discuss. Finally they Revise their explanations and theories.
" Conclude, share results, discuss, ask and answer questions, evaluate lesson, assess student understanding.

" Application
" How can the student apply what was learned today in his/her experience?
" How can the value of this lesson be made relevant in their lives?
" How can interest be extended?
" What is a good follow-up activity to reinforce concepts learned today?
" Provide relevant homework, classwork, parent-involvement activity, research assignment

" Assessment

" How do you know if they GOT IT?
" Design a worksheet, journal recording, test, quiz, or performance-based activity for students to demonstrate what they have learned.
" Have your Goals and Learning Objectives been met?
" How will you do to assist those who do not "get it"? Explain any modifications you would use for a student with a special need.
" How might you extend the lesson, dig deeper, go beyond?

Please include several copies of students' work, or completed labsheets. You may include a representative selection of these, illustrating several levels of student understanding. You do not have to give me a whole classroom's worth, but do indicate to me what I am getting.


" Please include necessary details - pro and con - at least one-half of a typed page!

Reflect on strengths and weaknesses of the lesson as taught.
" Describe individual student responses to techniques used. How did they react?
" Discuss student "thinking" and ideas.
" Include response of students to the lesson, either oral comments or examples from their written work.
" Discuss fulfilled and unfulfilled expectations. Any surprises?
" In retrospect, how would you modify this lesson?

Loyola University Chica
go David B. Slavsky
Loyola University Chicago
Cudahy Science Hall, Rm. 404
1032 W. Sheridan Rd.,
Chicago, IL 60660
Phone: 773-508-8352
E-mail: dslavsk@luc.edu

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